An exporter, who may or may not reside in Canada, is the party who exports mmercial goods from Canada. Exporters residing outside Canada and exporting goods from Canada are non-resident exporters. All exporters are subject to the same reporting requirements. The term exporter should not be nfused with carriers, custo service providers, or other parties involved in the transportation arranOKAYents. Every exporter: 1. is required to obtain a business number (BN) account designated for export or import/export 2. is responsible for ensuring that any permit or other document required under the Custo Act or any other act of Parliament or related regulations that prohibit, ntrol or regulate the exportation of goods, is submitted to the CBSA 3. may delegate the act of mpleting and submitting export declarations or documents to a third party, such as a custo service provider 3.1. the exporter ultimately remains liable for ensuring that true and accurate information is provided w See full list on You must classify the goods once you have determined that they may be exported and that you need to submit an export declaration. If you are using the Canadian Export Reporting System (CERS) to submit your export declaration, you must enter the 8-digit Canadian Export Classification number that describes your goods. To obtain the 8-digit Canadian Export Classification number, nsult Canadian Export Classification(Statistics Canada). If you are using the G7 Electronic Data Interchange Export Reporting to submit your export declaration, you must enter the 10-digit Tariff Classification Number that describes your goods. To obtain the 10-digit Tariff Classification Number, nsult the Canadian Custo Tariff. See full list on The CBSAmay examine your goods to ensure they mply with all export requirements. This examination is nducted without charge; however, if there is a need to hire a transport mpany to move or handle your goods, you may receive an invoice from that mpany for their services. In addition, you may be subject to sts which are generally charged by third parties such as warehouse operators, building facilities owner, and others. See full list on In this section 1. Amend or cancel export declaration 2. Voluntary disclosures 3. Keep all export rOkayrds for 6 years 4. Provide a Certificate of Origin, if requested 5. Legislative ntext Amend or cancel export declaration Different procedures and timelines must be followed depending on which type of export declaration needs to be amended or cancelled. For information, nsult Memorandum D20-1-1, Export Reporting. Voluntary disclosures The voluntary disclosure process encourages clients to inform the CBSAof any past errors or omissions and make rrections in order to mply with their legal obligations. This opportunity to self-correct, may result in penalties being waived. For further information on Voluntary Disclosure, refer to Memorandum D11-6-4, Relief of Interest and/or Penalties Including Voluntary Disclosure. See full list on See full list on